My top 3 seafood restaurants in Antibes

Albert 1er

“Che Mo” is probably the best address in town for seafood with seafood platters to share and other fishes on the grill or nicely cooked in great recipes.
This place with a good location and a good view is specialized in seafood and fish.
It’s also a fish shop if you just like to buy fish and cook at home!
Very good table.

Menus from 17,50 till 35euros.
Address: 46 Boulevard Albert 1er, 06600 Antibes
Opening hours: everyday from 12-10:30pm.

Brasserie L'alcyon

A good address on the port with a large selection of fishes and sea food!
Located on the port, just under some arches, the decor is cosy, the staff great and the terrasse quite enjoyable specially for lunch.
Eating on the terrasse or inside still provide you a view on the port.

Menus from 14 to 26euros.
Address: 13 Avenue du 11 Novembre, 06600 Antibes
Opening hours: Everyday from 12-2:30pm & Monday-Thursday-Friday and Saturday 7-10pm.

Terre et Mer

This fish restaurant doesn’t look fancy from the outside but you will surely enjoy fresh fish and sea food with a great service in a quite simple atmosphere.
Reasonable with price, worth every euro.
They also offer takeaway for your seafood experience at home. A few tables only. Once again, a place dedicated to seafood and fish! This one isn’t in Antibes town but on Juan-Les-Pins seaside resort.

Price is fair for the quality.
Address: 4 Square du Lys, 06160, Juan-Les-Pins
Opening hours: Everyday from 7am-3pm & 6-11pm

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